The Project
We started the project by taking a closer look at how social anxiety manifests itself among groups of adolescents and young adults in the reality around us. To this, we conducted research and interviews with 32 young people struggling with social phobia living in 5 countries. Young people talked about their experiences with social anxiety, the impact of the pandemic on their lives, and how social phobia is generally perceived in society. We really wanted to get to know their point of view so that we can choose appropriate creative forms of work.
The methods we used to work with people suffering from social anxiety, such as storrytelling, sung stories, theater of the oppressed, and drama, are methods already used by partner organizations.
Before implementing them, we practiced these methods on ourselves. We experienced their influence by participating in joint workshops and learning from each other. Only armed with theoretical knowledge and experience could we invite other young people from our countries to try out this innovative methodology combining creativity and socioemotional learning.
Each of the partner organizations invited a group of teenagers or young adults to cooperate and together they engaged in a process lasting from a dozen to several dozen hours of workshops. We called them pilot workshops because, based on the feedback from the participants, we could determine the functionality and impact of the proposed activities.
We wanted our experience to be useful to other facilitators and trainers. That's why we chose the exercises that worked best in our opinion, described and filmed them so that other interested people could discover and learn about how to use them.
Finally, we wanted to respond to the needs of our interviewees. Those interviewed clearly stated that social phobia is still not talked about enough, even though it is a disorder that affects many (not only) young people. In response to these inputs, we have created the "Creativecoopingchallenge Tik Tok channel" where we share different content related to this subject where young people are the protagonists and our main audience. There you can find useful information on places and serveces to look for support, some simple yet useful tips and information on social anxiety disorder (SAD) and mental health as well as testimonies, stories and actions taken by young people with SAD to better cope with it.
Social phobia is currently one of the most frequently diagnosed disorders among young people. In the STOP! project Words in Progress Five organizations from the European Union (from the Netherlands, France, Spain, Italy and Poland) met to develop working methods aimed at young people.
Several project participants dared to stand in front of the camera and tell us about the fear that accompanies them in social situations, how they feel it, what helps them, and even when they first felt that the fear they felt was sudden and overwhelming like never before.

Pilot workshops
After working together across organizations, it was time to use what we had learned to work with new groups. Each of the partner organizations was involved in working with a permanent group of adolescents and young adults, and after a series of meetings, the participants were asked to express their feelings related to the exercises conducted during the workshops, but also how they felt in a group with new people.
The participants of the pilot groups were people who wanted to make new friends, declared anxiety disorders related to social situations, but also had an increased level of generalized anxiety disorder. Some participants wanted to spend time in an attractive and challenging way and engage in a new activity, which was working with stories, theater and drama.
Below you can see short photographic documentation created during the meetings. The photos show the workshop itself and some of the results of the participants' creative work, abstract graphics, and a symbolic presentation of their thoughts, values and history.
In order to carry out the learning process, the workshops took places for several hours and weeks. Each partner organization concluded the project with an event, involving workshop participants, their families and the local community. The aim was to share the experiences gathered during the workshops, convey the conclusions from the entire process, talk about social phobia and summarize the entire project.

Where to go
Below you will find a list of places, instututions and contacts where you can ask for help in case of need
Telefono Amico 24/7:
phone number: 02 2327 2327
whatsapp 324 011 72 52
Nearest Mental Health Center and the access is allowed after a medical prescription.
Kindertelefoon for kids and teens between age 8 and 18 works everyday between 11am and 9pm 0800- 0432
If you think you need help, but do not know any specific organization HERE you can find more informations and contacts.
XarxaJoves Barcelona, a comprehensive support program for young people from 16 to 25 and their families in their studies, work, healthy leisure, connection with the network,
e-mail address: xarxajovesbarcelona@salutmental.org
number: 690 903 021
Konsulta’m - a free service of specialized psychological support to preventively address the psychological distress and mental health problems of young people from 12 to 30 years.
“Aquí t’escoltem” - individual and confidential support service for young people between 12 and 20.
e-mail address: consulta_aquitescoltem@bcn.cat
Emotional support chat - emotional support by a professional via Whatsapp for youngsters between 14 and 25.
Whatsapp: 679 333 363
CIAJ Paral·lel is a municipal service for young people where they can find support and orientation regarding mental health, studies, work, housing, among others. MAP
e-mail address: joves@bcn.cat
WhatsApp: 662 333 350
Phone: 934 422 939
Niebieska Linia, Helpline for children and young people: 116 111
Helpline for adults in mental crisis: 116 123
Nearest Mental Health Center: MAP
National Suicide Prevention and Support Number professional and confidential helpline 24 hours a day, 7 days a week: 31 14
"Fil Santé Jeunes" allows you to confide in, obtain information and/or advice from one of our counsellors, and, if necessary, be directed to a structure near you: 0800 235 236 (9h-23h france 4h-18h Martinique)
An innovative association, run 7 days a week by volunteers trained in suicide and violence prevention