How we work
SAD is one of the most commonly diagnosed disorders among young people. Indications are that it is mainly the aftermath of the COVID 19 pandemic. Young people were the ones who would bear the greatest cost of isolation, not yet having the resources or strategies to cope with a new situation that was difficult for everyone, and basing their self-esteem on information from the peer group from which they were separated. Anxiety levels by the time of the pandemic had increased in everyone, but the most vulnerable to developing the disorder were sensitive individuals and those whose anxiety levels were already relatively high.
STOP! WORDS IN PROGRESS became a response to the need of professionals who are increasingly encountering young people with social interaction difficulties that are impeding their daily functioning. We created tools for working with young people using creative methods such as sung stories, theatrical methods, narrative methods. We used art, music and written content.
Working with adolescents and young adults with a diagnosis of SAD was at times a challenging task.
It was quite a struggle to reach young people and get them involved in the group, sometimes even to get them to come to a meeting.
Ultimately, we were able to work through the entire process with 49 participants from 5 countries. Some of them had a diagnosis of SAD, some declared social difficulties, dissatisfaction in social interaction, feeling of isolation and loneliness. Others were curious and wanted to engage in something new. This mix worked well. The atmosphere of creativity, acceptance, and freedom caused many young people to undergo a real change. Initially withdrawn and observant, at the end they shared their personal stories to the accompaniment of applause from the audience.
Useful resources
Here you will find our publication containing:
1. Information about social anxiety that helped us plan our work with youth and young adults in our target group.
2. The results of interviews we conducted in five countries with young people suffering from social phobia, where they share their feelings
3. Detailed description of the methods used by each partner organization, such as: storrytelling, sung stories, theater of the oppressed and applied drama.
You will find here:
1. Our pilot experience
2. Description of our methods.
3. Description of workshop activities you may use in your work
4. Tips and tricks for trainers and facilitators
5. How to conduct workshop evaluations.
Are instructional videos in which we wanted to show specific exercises included in TOOLkit. In the videos, we tried to recreate a real workshop situation enriched with the instructor's comments to facilitate understanding the course of the exercise. Under the link you will find the entire playlist. The names of the exercises in brackets correspond to those in TOOLkit above.